Stockholm Syndrome

I've been imprisoned for being the king 
Of the vast stretches of Serengeti

A land where my clan reigned for eons

Being a king was not at all easy

You need to strain every nerve

I did kill, I did eat; I didn't kill, I did starve

I was an unruly lad

With pride in head and pleasure in heart

I ruled, I frolicked, I fought

Sometimes I won, sometimes I lost

Ah! Those were the days

And then they came

The intruders with greed in the eyes 

And guns on the shoulders

At first I didn't like them as I was a family man

Who respected the privacy

I thought they would become my prey

And their metal didn't mangle my mettle

Sooner I sussed, they were the predators

My mettle melted before their metal

And every wild beast surrendered to them

And here I am

Detained on an alien surrounding

And sh…! A zoo this is so no grrr

It was hard to live here at first

Then I adjusted, later I adapted

And now I acclimatized

Here I have caretakers, doctors and visitors

I have a diet plan; nutritious I must say

Not only for me but for every animal

No one needs to be on the prowl

All are equal here and no one is more equal

Perhaps this is democracy

But at the cost of freedom

And here is one of my caretakers

Who keeps the keys of this cage

He has been very benign to me

A very considerate and attentive fellow

And I've some feelings towards him

Though he is my captor


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